Green Trade World por un mundo más verde

Ecofriendly and ethical trading
The Green Trade World ecolabel guarantees that the manufacturing company complies with the following environmental claims:
Absence of
harmful substances Complying with the European regulations and with the limits on the restricted substances list (RSL), managing to reduce the use of substances that cause harm to human health and the environment, in the shoe production processes and in the final product. -
100% Organic
100% cotton The textile raw materials have The Global Organic Textile Standard Certification (GOTS) that guarantees and ensures the organic status of cotton textile fibers through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing. -
100% recycled
and recyclable packaging The boxes used to contain and distribute the goods must be made of corrugated cardboard 100% recycled and can be recycled in collection facilities to reduce waste production. -
to ethical trading Social responsibility with the values and principles that inspire the code of conduct regarding human resources and respect for fundamental good labor practice in the workplace at all stages of production, and the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code in all the development of our activity.
We comply with the UNE EN ISO 14021:2017 standard
Why Green Trade World?
Our objective is to encourage the demand and supply of products that affect the environment less, by communicating verifiable and accurate information that does not lead to mistake.
If you sell a product with the Green Trade World certification your distributors and buyers will make their product choice knowing its ecological value.
If you buy a product with Green Trade World certification you can be sure that it has been manufactured in a way that respects the environment and the workers.